Stiftungsfonds Deutsche Bank

Strategic expansion of international scientific cooperation and dialog between business and science in the field of financial economics are important objectives of the funding and support program of the Stiftungsfonds Deutsche Bank.

For Deutsche Bank, responsibility means creating lasting value for customers and employees, shareholders and society as a whole. To this end, Stiftungsfonds Deutsche Bank is an important science-funding partner.

Just as successful economic activity requires cooperation across areas of expertise and borders, scientific activity needs dialog between business and science across disciplines and national frontiers. Hence the main aims of the Stiftungsfonds Deutsche Bank are to promote a knowledge transfer and to intensify dialog between research and business in a global knowledge society.

Stiftungsfonds Deutsche Bank


Stiftungsfonds Deutsche Bank is administered by

Deutsches Stiftungszentrum
im Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft
Baedekerstraße 1
45128 Essen

Contact person at Deutsches Stiftungszentrum:

Pia Heubgen (© Sven Lorenz)

Pia Hebugen

Foundation Manager

T +49 201 8401-214

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